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Register to Vote (Spanish version)

September 30, 2020

29 de septiembre de 2020


Estimados residentes de Pringle-Morse CISD:


En nombre de Pringle-Morse CISD, nos gustarfa alentar a aquellos de ust edes que no se han regist rado para votar a que se tomen unos minutos para hacerlo. El Distrito lleva a cabo elecciones de la junta escolar y una boleta por separado para decidir una Tasa de lmpuesto Aprobada por los Votantes en las pr6ximas elecciones generales del 3 de noviembre.


Para registrarse para votar en Texas, simplemente complete una solicitud de registro de votante y devuelvala a Linda Cummings, regist rado ra de votantes, al menos 30 dias antes de la fecha de las pr6ximas elecciones. Para completar una solicitud, puede:


  1. Complete una solicitud usando la SOLICITUD DE REGISTRO DE VOTANTE EN LINEA SOS. Simplemente complet e la informaci6n requerida, imprimala, firme y enviela por correo o entregue personalmente a:

Linda Cummings, registradora de votantes Anexo del condado de Hansford

221 Main Street , P.O. Caja 367 Spearman, Texas 79081

Telefono: 806-659-4120


  1. 0 puede comunicarse o ir a la oficina de Linda Cummings, registradora de votantes, en la direcci6n anterior para completar una solicitud. Para obtener informaci6n adicional sobre c6mo votar en Texas, visite www.vot


Puede registrarse para votar si:

  • Es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos;
  • Es residente del condado donde presenta la solicitud;
  • Tiene al menos 17 anosy 10 meses de edad y tiene 18 anos el dia de las elecciones;
  • No es un delincuente convicto (puede ser elegible para votar si ha completado su sentencia, libertad condicional y libert ad cond icional); y
  • No ha sido declarado por un tribunal que ejerce la jurisdicc i6n de sucesiones como tota lment e mentalmente incapacitado o parcialmente incapacitado mentalmente sin derecho a voto.


Respe tuosam"                                      





Scott Burrow, Superintendent, CEO, CFO

Register to Vote (Spanish version)


Register to Vote (English version)

September 30, 2020

Register to Vote 2020

Register to Vote (spanish version)


Consolidated Independent School District

P.O. Box 109   *   100 South Fifth Street
Morse, Texas 79062

Phone: 806-733-2507                                                                               Fax: 806-733-2351


September 29, 2020


Dear Pringle-Morse CISD Residents:


On behalf of the Pringle-Morse CISD, we would like to encourage those of you who have not registered to vote to take a few moments to do so.  The District conducts school board elections, and a separate ballot to decide a Voter Approved Tax Rate will be in the upcoming November 3rd General election.


To register to vote in Texas, simply complete a voter registration application and return it to Linda Cummings, Voter Registrar, at least 30 days before the upcoming election date.  To complete an application, you may:


  1. Complete an application using the SOS ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION.

Simply fill in the required information, print, sign, and mail or hand deliver to:


                                        Linda Cummings, Voter Registrar

                                        Hansford County Annex

                                    221 Main Street, P.O. Box 367                                    

                                        Spearman, Texas 79081

                                    Phone: 806-659-4120


  1. Or, you may contact or go to the office of Linda Cummings, Voter Registrar, at the above address to complete an application. For additional information on voting in Texas, please visit


You are eligible to register to vote if:

  • You are a United States Citizen;
  • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
  • You are at least 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on Election Day;
  • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
  • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally

mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.




 Scott Burrow

 Superintendent, CEO, CFO




See You at the Pole

September 28, 2020

Pringle-Morse participated in "See You at the Pole" on Wednesday, Sept. 23. Thank you to the two students that lead us in this event.

See You at the Pole Newspaper.pdf

Amended School Calendar

September 18, 2020

New amended 2020-2021 School Calendar reflex a change to October 30. October 30, 2020 is a full-day student holiday instead of a half-day. Staff will have a full day professional development.

2020-2021 amended school calendar

Picture Day

September 08, 2020

Individual Pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 10 in the school Library.

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