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School Counselor Referral Form

GT Nomination


Pringle-Morse CISD

Gifted/Talented Program

November 1, 2020


Nominations are now being accepted by Pringle-Morse CISD for their gifted/talented program for grades 1-9.  If you would like to nominate someone for consideration to the program please pick up a nomination form from the office and return it no later than November 15, 2020.  Students may also nominate themselves for consideration for the program.  Self-nomination forms may be picked up in the office and they must be returned by November 15, 2020.


Pringle-Morse CISD ahora está aceptando nominaciones para su programa de superdotados / talentosos. Si desea nominar a alguien para que lo considere en el programa, recoja un formulario de nominación de la oficina y devuélvalo antes del 15 de noviembre de 2020. Los estudiantes también pueden nominarse para ser considerados para el programa. Los formularios de autofinanciación pueden recogerse en la oficina y deben devolverse antes del 15 de noviembre de 2020.

Local and National Helplines

Local and National Helplines:

  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • Suicide Textline: Text 741741
  • Texas Panhandle Centers Crisis Line: (806) 359-6699 (Amarillo Area) or 1-800-692-4039 (Toll Free)
  • NWTH Pavilion: (806) 254-1810 opt 3 or 1-800-537-2585 (Toll Free)
  • Texas Panhandle Centers Non-Crisis Intake: (806) 337-1000
  • STAR Program (Services to At-Risk Youth): (806)349-5652
  • American Psychological Association Public Education Line: 1-800-964-2000
  • Texas Panhandle Centers- Borger:

          412 N. Main St. Borger, Texas 79007

          (806) 274-2297


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