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8th Grade Graduation
WRITTEN BY Site Admin ON May 14, 2021

Pringle-Morse CISD

100 S. Fifth Street * Morse, Texas 79062

Scott Burrow, Superintendent

May 14, 2021                                                                                                          806-733-2507

Dear Parents,

Graduation is just around the corner! On behalf of Pringle-Morse CISD, our hope is that this letter finds you and your family well. Thank you very much for your parental support this past year.  We plan to hold a traditional graduation on May 18th at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium.   Parents/family groups will have reserved seating areas in the auditorium.  Masks are not required for the occasion.

 Please arrive at 6:15 p.m. for gift exchange.  Parents of graduating students will park ONE car parallel in front of the elementary building and open their trunk to receive gifts for their graduate.  We anticipate there will be twelve graduation vehicles, and a staff member will guide gift-car drivers to parking spots in the big parking lot to be in line for the parade. Feel free to decorate your trunk with your graduate’s name. You may provide a big gift box or tote in which to place the gifts in the trunk.  At 6:45 p.m. trunks will close, and graduates will get in line on the porch as guests find their seats in the auditorium.  Graduation will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.  Immediately following the ceremony, the students and pre-determined family members will get into their “gift” car and parade through Morse!

Pringle-Morse CISD May 18, 2021, Graduation Step-by-Step


  1. All graduates arrive by 6:15 p.m. in their “gift” car.
  2.  “Gift” cars will pull up in front of the Elementary entry door and parallel park in the order of arrival. A staff member will direct gift-car drivers to the correct parking place.
  3. “Gift” cars open trunks to receive gifts.
  4. Family members and guests who have gifts to deliver should arrive by 6:30 p.m.
  5. Family members and guests are welcome to park in the main school parking lot, bus parking lot, or by the trees north of school.
  6.  At 6:45 p.m., trunks close, and all family and guests will need to go to auditorium.
  7.  At 6:50 p.m., all graduating students will need to line up and prepare to enter the auditorium for the processional.
  8. 8th-grade processional inside to auditorium stage from front porch.
  9.   Graduation Ceremony
  10.   8th- grade recessional from auditorium stage to front porch and gift cars.
  11.   Students and those going with the student (please decide beforehand) get into “gift” car.
  12.   Parade around Morse!
  13.   Congratulations and best wishes!


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